A skeletal version of a story I have yet to think a title of.

Posted by Dan. Ee. on 4:20 PM
Like any kid before his hormones hit in, he sure was, with the influence of cartoons and video games at the time, would've thought, or more likely, imagined that he would be a warrior of some kind. Battling evil wizards and tyrant leaders with armies of diabolical numbers as well entities with a sword bigger than me and a gun that's surely screams fear in the hearts of my enemies.

I used to jump around, waving an iron ruler or hanger, anything that has long reach or simply swinging and invisible blade around my person towards my fellow imaginary unseen hordes of soldiers against me, like an invincible warlord.

As I age, the childish flame seem to burn brightly within the dark recesses of the mind which, full of new responsibilities and problems seemingly choking the very existence of that childishness itself. When I sooner believed that I would never become a demon slaying swordsman with big guns and bigger swords, that's when it happened.

I became a fighter, a warrior that fights for his country. Not politically. But rather by taking up arms against one another.

The political state of the country that I live in, in the year of 2034, has degraded to the boiling point by high records of corruption, misplaced budget funds totalling to billions, the ever growing discontent of the people and the cherry on the cake; racism. It is war by itself on the streets. Races, religions going against one another. Economy had halted to a standstill; foreign powers do not wish to invest in a country where workers turn on one another because they are not of the same colour.

The current government's methods of peacemaking, slowly moved on to the dictatorial approach of peacekeeping. Government troops and reserve armies pouring on streets, taking over unsettled areas, and backing up a certain race with eradicating others. The current monarch system has assumed full control of the government, with the dissolution of ministerial and directorial posts, monarchs imposed their own loyalists into administering their needs, as well the armed forces into their hands.

This is the country I live in at the moment. The riotous views on the streets, government troops shooting down civilians, people suiciding from tall buildings, and corpses litter the parks, streets, are just a small, tiny fraction of the things that are happening around me.

Not all is gloom however. Few resistance factions that are opposed to the current government, which is conveniently headed by the legacy of the late Prime Minister. I am a part of one of those factions, taking up arms and killing another man so as to defend my faction's ideals.


Ooh. Very interesting. There's a kind of "feel" to it. A good feel, definitely. Continue, please ! :D

you really think so? I think that there's alot of holes in it as I read.. but otherwise. I will pen a continuation. soon. =D

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